Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Brain Computer Interfacing Make Part 1

Today I have posted a series (9 in total) of clips in which Christopher Soraghan gives us a breakdown of a piece of kit he developed (with Fiachra, Charles, Ray and myself) as part of his research. The complete system is a near infrared spectroscopy instrument capable of non-invasive brain activity monitoring. He used it as part of a biofeedback system for brain computer interfacing. The system consists essentially of a number of dual wavelength optical sources (LED-based) and some high quality sensitive detectors (APDs). In todays clip Chris shows us inside the detectors. These are Hammamatsu C54060-01 APDs. They are coupled to the subjects heads via optical guides (just a big fiber bundle) and these are then lined up with the APD detector.
You can find an overview of the complete system in the following paper:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I’ve read somewhere that doctors have attempted to use NIR technology to detect brain damage on infants, and it worked wonderfully. I think it would be great to use NIR for non-invasive brain monitoring. A few more developments on that area may actually lead us to unveil some of the mysteries of the human brain that continue to baffle most scientists. Anyway, I really think you guys are on to something great here. I haven’t had the chance to watch all your video posts but I’m extremely curious about your findings. How did your research go?

George Melcher