Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Pan and tilt Mk. 2

Behold a neat pot and duino controlled pan and tilt sys by Aaron.


Monday, December 14, 2009

Last weeks make

Joe and lu chen with another great guitar pedal. This time a delay pedal.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tochshield stealth

Received a touchscreen that can be used with the arduino... Not as straightforward to use as one would hope but at least have got over the first hurdle and can now upload images to it.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Tilted twister

Above is a video demonstrating the functionality of the Rubik cube solver Aaron has built in Lego. It has a few teething problems buts its pretty neat all the same.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Laptop repair and bvh player

John M fixed my tablet PC. New motherboard and CPU! Thanks john. Here it is running Gavins 3d ogre based bvh player which is looking great and will soon be connected to the arduino glove.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Boss DS-1 distortion pedal make

Joe Timoney scores again with a distortion pedal. A copy of an old boss classic! Well done Joe.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Let's get ready to roomba!

We are moving the meeting times to Tuesdays 4-7. Should be fun now with the roomba and new makers. Club won't open officially for a few weeks yet.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wiifit arrival!


Colm has made some digital graffiti from rare earth magnets, leds and a battery. You just throw these things around the place!

Wireless camera on rc buggy

Colm and Karl had fun with our new wireless miniature camera. Now to do something with it!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Blog transfered to nuim.makers at long last

I have moved the blog from my own personal account to the nuim.makers account. If we get a nice logo we can use this instead of what we currently have (my photo!)
Here is what we did by the way!

We are moving to Youtube

We need ease of video so we are going to move to Youtube. Go to the main NUIM Makers site for the channel link.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Aarons Rubik solver...nearly

Aaron has just built the Lego hardware for a rubik solver. It looks so cool. Next week it gets its brains!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Mentors and Members 2009 (Beta) - Becoming a Made (wo)man!

The Makers Club is based on a Mentors and Members model.

It goes like this!

Anyone can come along on the club days - anyone! This does not mean you are a member though. oh no. not by a way. To become "made" you need to put the work in.
Membership is earned ! Earned through building something! There are no sleeping members here! If your work appears in the blog you are well on the way to being 'made'. The mentors decide who gets this honour. Once you have been made you are now entitled to call yourself a member of the Maker's club.

Members once established and with regular appearances can then move on to that great place and become a mentor!

Mentors are more experienced makers who contribute regularly to the meetings, show up help out and provide leadership and guidance in the club. It takes dedication and commitment. But its fun.

Following our successful beta launch from March - July. We can announce the Mentors for 2009-2010. They no particular order ....

John "Motor" Maloco
John "Sparks" Fitzpatrick
Denis "Build-it" Buckley
Aaron "Blocks" McCoy
Jim "Ecowarrior" Kinsella
Tomas "I can't give myself a nickname" Ward

Membership for the year goes to ...

Colm - for his Arduino Makers logo
Joe Timoney - for his retro synths
Anthony - for his Ibanez Tube screamers

Well done to all. We hope to launch the full Makers Club in the new semester - September 2009.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009


We have joined up all the elements now from scrap motors to webcams and brightness tracking. Now for some more interesting vision methods.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Dennis 2 wire motor control

Dennis has completed a nice two wire controller for use with the bipolar motors. Saves us quite a few lines of code on the arduino.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Joe with tonys pedal complete!

Tony finished two tube screamers . One with the enhanced mod filling out the bottom end more than the straight design. Well done the lads.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Camera drive with processing

Nice combo of Lego, rubber bands, salvaged motors, h bridges and processing. Fun.

Tube screamer!

Anthonys working overdrive circuit based on the ibanez tube screamer. Including simulation on 5spice - great app!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Colms tv logo

On time and coming below budget colm has completed the makers logo on arduino and tv

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lego meets stepper!

We finally brought the arduino, steppers and Lego cradle together. Works sweet on the pitch axis. Rest to follow.

H bridge and bipolar stepper

Following up on johns unipolar stepper we now have arduino controlling h bridge and bipolar steppers.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Joes Tb303 sox box

Joe built this from a 500 piece kit. Worked almost first time! In any case it works now.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Maloccos motor

Significant motor action today as john writes his first arduino program to drive a salvaged unipolar motor with darlington trans and logic!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Aarons lego masterpiece

Aaron has completed the first part of the camera and gesture tracking system for our greatest art installation. Behold the active cradle - the goliath!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Green psychedelic video capture in processing

Tough day with webcams and processing. Achieved real time capture but distorted. Thanks a bunch winvdig!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Monday, March 30, 2009

Colm and the engimatic arduino PAL script

Things are going well for Colm and progress is being made. As for the rest of us ... well the next blog will be telling.